public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags "springnet blogmarks" & springnet

21 April 2008

TwittEarth :: Live Twitts all over the world

by springnet & 2 others
startling 3D view of the twitter planet, when will Starbuck find this place?`

Alert Thingy: A desktop app for

by springnet
all your friendfeed alerts delivered direct to your desktop. Does for friendfeed what twhirl does for twitter. wow.

by springnet
Just like Thwirl and Snitter totally changed the way I interact with Twitter and drove up my usage as a result, Alert Thingy is doing that for FriendFeed. As Dennis says, who btw I ripped off the title for this post from, the result is that I am evolving

20 April 2008's Blog 100 | CNET

by springnet
In 2006, CNET introduced you to our first Blog 100 list. With more than 14 million blogs in existence that year and another 80,000 being created each day, we highlighted what we thought were some of the ones worth checking out. Blogs have become

About JD Lasica

by springnet
J.D. Lasica is one of the world's leading authorities on social media and the revolution in user-created media. A writer, strategist, blogger and consultant, he is the co-founder and editorial director of, president of the Social Media Group

Social Media

by springnet
video, social networks, citizen media, web 2.0, mobile podcast, blog and news channel

19 April 2008

18 April 2008 Silicon Valley Blog

by springnet
home for early adopters, tech geeks, RSS addicts, and Mac freaks. TiVo, sports, politics. Good daily read. UPDATED: Elite Bloggers Joining FriendFeed In Droves: Silicon Valley Blog

by springnet
Update 2: Given how this is now seen as a reference point for the hot bloggers on FriendFeed, we're going to try and keep it updated. Added in this round includes folks like Allen Stern of CenterNetworks, Tris Hussey, Chris Pirillo and others...

17 April 2008


by springnet
aggregates twitter, pownce and facebook with a lot more rss feeds to social networking sites coming. See the Vote page for what they're working on. Contact me for a beta invite

iminta - what are you inta?

by springnet
Iminta has a cool thing going for it: you can put your followers in groups and specify which group sees what... I really like the idea of variable resolution for social feeds. Still in beta as of 3/16/08

16 April 2008

fring – Free mobile calls, and chat with mobile Skype, mobile MSN Messenger, mobile icq, Twitter, AIM® & Yahoo!™ and more

by springnet
fring™ is a mobile internet service & community that enables you to access & interact with your social networks on-the-go, make free calls and live chat with all your fring, Skype®, MSN® Messenger, Google Talk™, ICQ, SIP, Twitter, Yahoo!™ and AIM

13 April 2008 - The Technology Place for Nonprofits

by springnet & 1 other
good example implementation of drupal, see also for another great drupal site

12 April 2008

Singularity Conference

by springnet & 1 other
On October 24-26, join 100 of the world’s top web visionaries, developers, designers, thought leaders, and celebrities for three days of talks at this seminal web event. Ian Forrester is the subject of an upcoming interview on


by springnet
great group of themes, uses this theme.

11 April 2008

Google App Engine Blog: Introducing Google App Engine + our new blog

by springnet
This preview of Google App Engine is available for the first 10,000 developers who sign up, and we plan to increase that number in near future.

10 April 2008

CivicSpace Home | CivicSpace

by springnet & 1 other
cms community management software probably running on drupal and

09 April 2008

Twinkle - New iPhone Twitter Client Uses Locate Me Features! | Just Another iPhone Blog

by springnet
Twinkle is a shiny (cough, excuse bad pun) new native Twitter client for the iPhone, that adds location-aware features to your Twittering. It has a very nice and easy to use interface and works very well so far in my testing of it.

08 April 2008

:: Vídeos de sxsw2008 :: videos gratis

by springnet
hey, a few of my sxsw videos got linked up on this French site os melhores videos de sxsw2008 with Leah Culver and Daniel Burka, Majorie Kase, and Electric Pulp (Guy Kawasaki's guys)

PR 2.0

by springnet
Solis blogs at PR2.0,, and regularly contributes PR & tech insight to industry publications. Solis is among the original thought leaders who paved the way for Social Media

07 April 2008

CERN creates a new super-fast internet, invites tons of people to a deathmatch - Engadget

by springnet
Apparently, when CERN isn't colliding particles (and ripping massive holes in the space-time continuum), it's busy working on a new "internet" which will be 10,000 times faster than our current version.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "springnet blogmarks"

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